Dancer Kilts


Due to copyright restrictions, we can’t post swatches of tartans directly on this site. However, to aid those who may be looking for a certain tartan but don’t know the name, here are some links to swatches on various web sites. Please note that sites are listed alphabetically.

D.C. Dalgliesh’s Dancers' Dress Tartan Swatches (6 pages in total – be sure to scroll through!)


Highland Reel's Tartan Samples


The House of Edgar's Bruichheath Dancing Tartans


Karen’s Kilts Dress Tartans List (Karen's page states: "This page is for display purposes only, simply for convenience.  Please contact each company's website directly for prices or to place an order for tartan.")


Marg’s Highland Dance Wear Tartan List


Tartantown’s Special Weave Dress Tartan – Tartan List 1


Tartantown’s Dress Tartans – Tartan List 2


Your source for links to photographs of Highland Dancers in various kilts and aboyne costumes, organized by color and tartan, as well as hornpipe, jig, and choreography costumes!